Thurstone Test of  Mental Alertness  (TMA)

This is a test of general mental ability. The TMA uses 126 items to measure an individual’s capacity to acquire new knowledge and skills, and apply them to problem solving. It also measures individual differences in ability to learn and perform mental tasks of varying types and complexity.


Four job-related tasks are assessed by the TMA test: Adjusting to New Situations, Learning New Skills Quickly, Understanding Complex or Subtle Relationships, and Thinking Flexibly.

Business Uses for TMA 

The TMA test can be used by employers to help make selection, placement, and evaluation decisions.

  • Selection: Does the applicant have the capacity to master the job requirements?

  • Placement: Does s/he have the ability to master the requirements of one job better than those of other jobs?
  • Evaluation: Can an employee easily transfer to another job and learn it quickly?


When the TMA test is used in employment settings, it is important to consider other pertinent factors such as personnel data, past job performance and training. An analysis should be conducted to identify the knowledge, skills and abilities required for the job. The TMA test should be used only when it helps measure factors that are relevant to successful job performance.


Three scores are derived from the test items: 
The Same-Opposite and Definition items produce an L score of Linguistic or Verbal ability. 

The Arithmetic and Number Series items produce a Q score of Quantitative Ability. 

The Total Score is the sum of the L score and the Q score

A high Total Score reflects the ability to respond correctly and quickly to the two types of items – verbal items and quantitative items. Alternating verbal items with quantitative items requires a mental shift. The rapidity with which an individual can respond to a series of alternating L and Q items can indicate how rapidly s/he is able to adapt to different situations.


Use of Norms
Scores on the TMA test can be interpreted by converting them to percentiles using norm tables. These tables are generated from scores of North American test takers and are intended to serve as a general guides until The JobBank develops local norms.

The effectiveness of tests may vary from situation to situation. Factors such as talent available in the local labour market, job requirements within a specific company, etc. may affect score ranges. Other factors such as education, experience and motivation are also important determinants of job success.

No standard score can accurately predict job performance in every situation and so it is recommended that these norms not be accepted as specific test score limits that positively designate individuals who will succeed in a given job. The JobBank will assist employers who use the TMA test to determine their own approximate score levels that can help identify effective job performance based on the cumulative experience with the test