The JobBank Personality Profile Assessment was created by Dr. Leahcim T. Semaj, PhD, to determine Psychological Type, Issues Motivating the Individual and Methods of Coping with Conflicts.
Psychological Type refers to a system for understanding human behaviour that is based upon the belief that every person has one type that most accurately describes him or her. Each type has its own inherent strengths and potential weaknesses and there are no better or worse types.
The popular use of Type goes back as far as the early 1900s and is largely the result of work done by Swiss psychologist Carl Jung and Americans Katherine Briggs and Isabel Briggs-Myers. Personality Type identifies important natural predispositions and tendencies. By measuring how people perceive, and judge the world around them, we can reliably type people as extroverted, introverted, sensing or intuitive, thinking or feeling, and perceiving or judging.
Personality Type refers to a system for understanding human behaviour. There are 16 distinctly different types and every person has one type which most accurately describes him or her.
Personality Type is determined by:
People are motivated by the things that provide a sense of personal satisfaction and competence.
Based on our past experiences we all adopt a style for handling conflict.
The JobBank Personality Profile Assessment enables us to:
Upon completing The JobBank Personality Profile Assessment, a personal report is provided outlining the person’s:
The JobBank Personality Profile Assessment allows the employer to identify the critical traits and attribute factors for overall successful performance in a given position and allows for the creation of an ‘IDEAL’ template.
For A Company
For The Individual
US$90.00 + G.C.T. per Test WITH Telephone Consultation (Individual)
US$75.00 + G.C.T. per Test for Company
N.B. Prices subject to change. Costs are confirmed when services are contracted. We use the BOJ exchange rate applicable on the day that services are contracted.