The 8 Dangers of a Culture of Indiscipline

The headlines last week read ‘2017 – 1600 recorded murders! 2018 – 25 murders and counting!!’


How do we slay this monster of crime? I think the solution lies in addressing the rampant indiscipline in the society by nipping antisocial behaviours in the bud and adopting a zero-tolerance approach.

The ‘sickness’ of indiscipline is the root cause of all our social problems. It has become the new normal to challenge authority, break rules and break our commitments. What would happen if each person made discipline a core foundation of their life?

  1. Lateness- From Public officials to dinner guests, everyone is chronically late arriving on ‘Jamaica Time’. This is not what obtains in rich countries. Be punctual.
  2. Unfaithfulness in relationships – Uptown, Downtown and all-around men get ‘big up’ for cheating and women covertly pursue forbidden romance. One artiste sang ‘Man fi have nuff gal in a bundle’. This behaviour does not build wealth, it destroys wealth. Honour your commitments.
  3. Instant Gratification at the expense of long-term benefits. This results in high levels of theft, dishonesty, consumer debt, sexually transmitted diseases, unwanted pregnancies and the list goes on. Think before you act. Behaviour has consequences.
  4. Accidents of all types resulting in fatalities and serious injury. The result is redirection of financial resources, health services and emotional distress. Be careful. Be sensible. Use common-sense.
  5. Breaking rules and skirting regulations. Rules and regulations are to protect us. We see this in buildings collapsing after officials have lined their pockets and approved projects they should have disallowed. Do the right thing always, even when no one is watching.
  6. Laziness, overweight and health problems.  Get up and do something meaningful each day and make your food your medicine. Get moving.
  7. Lack of success in business, career and personal life. Find your purpose for existing and be focused.
  8. Poor performance in academic and vocational studies. Do what you should at the time you should so tomorrow you can do what others can’t because they wasted their time.  Pursue excellence always.

Happy New Year.


Dr Sandra Palmer
CEO and Senior Partner
Above or Beyond, Email: