SRA® Reading and Arithmetic Indexes-12

The SRA® Reading and Arithmetic Indexes (RAI) are tests of general reading and computational achievement for adults and for young people over fourteen years of age. The RAI-12 can be used to predict job and school performance.


The SRA® Reading and Arithmetic Indexes-12 are packaged as two separate self-scoring booklets. The items are arranged to measure distinct levels of development. The Reading Index progresses through the following six levels:

  • Picture-Word Association
  • Word Decoding
  • Phrase Comprehension
  • Sentence Comprehension
  • Paragraph Comprehension I
  • Paragraph Comprehension II


The Arithmetic Index is composed of the following six levels:

  • Addition and Subtraction of whole numbers
  • Multiplication and Division of whole numbers
  • Fractions
  • Decimals and Percentages
  • Square Roots and Powers
  • Geometry and Word Problems
  • The RAI-12 can be scored to reflect proficiency at the various levels. Thus, the score for an individual taking either test would be the highest developmental level passed. As a power test, the RAI-12 indicates the maximum performance an individual is capable of. When used in conjunction with a test of general ability that is relatively independent of past educational experience, the RAI-12 provides the administrator with a basis for comparing an individual’s current achievement with his or her potential. Through such comparison better decisions can be made about an individual’s overall trainability, suitability for placement in jobs that are more technical and appropriate training.


The Actual Score is the total number of questions answered correctly for each level. For each level, the actual score obtained is compared to the Proficiency Score (number needed to pass) to indicate whether the test taker is proficient or sub-proficient in his/her performance at that level.  The Total Score is the sum of the Actual Scores for all six levels of an index.

Administration Procedure

  • The RAI-12 may be individually or group administered and is available online or as a pencil-and-paper test.
  • Although not a timed assessment, each index – Reading and Arithmetic is usually completed within 45 minutes.
  • The test-taker is allowed to choose which index he/she would like to do first